
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Our users want to get around the application quickly. So, we're going to add a few links in a couple places.
We want the logo in the header and footer to link to /.
On the page, we want to link to the user's notes route.
On the route, we should link back to the /users/kody page. πŸ’° Tip, you can use a relative path (..), but you'll need to learn about the relative prop on the Link component.
On the notes route, We should also link to the /users/kody/notes/some-note-id route.
The Link component in Remix is a wrapper around the Link component from react router, so you can learn all about it in the react router Link docs.
As a bit of extra credit, do your best to leverage relative routes where you can rather than hard-coding the full path of the route. This will make it easier to move files around relative to each other in the future.
Also, look into the NavLink component so you can highlight the link to the some-note-id route when that child route is active. You can use the bg-accent class name when the link is active.
Remix is built on top of React Router, so you'll often find it beneficial to read the React Router docs. Remix also provides a few extra features on top of React Router, so you'll want to read the Remix docs as well.