Global Styles

👨‍💼 Every application has some stylesheets that need to apply globally throughout the application. In our case, we want to have a special font applied to our app which your co-worker Kellie (🧝‍♀️ hello there 👋) placed in the public directory (these are ignored in the diff so you wont find them in that tab, but the files have been added).
🧝‍♂️ Yep, I also added which loads the font and gets things ready for use.
👨‍💼 Thanks Kellie! So, what we need you to do is import that stylesheet into the application so that it is applied globally. It'll be pretty similar to the favicon work you've already done, but you'll use rel="stylesheet". When you're done, the <link> should be something like: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/build/_assets/font-SBXW2PKK.css"/>.