Error Bubbling

👨‍💼 To keep things consistent, Kellie (🧝‍♂️) has made a handy abstraction for error boundaries. You can find it in . Here's how you use it:
export function ErrorBoundary() {
	return (
				403: ({ params }) => (
					<p>You're not authorized to look at {params.sandwichId}</p>
You can specify any status code you want, and the error boundary will render whatever you return in your callback.
We'd like you to update the ErrorBoundary you've got already to use this, and now we can add it to several of the /users/:userId/notes routes as well.
You'll notice that when a parent route has an error boundary, the child routes errors will bubble up to the parent route unless they have one of their own. I would love for you to play around with that idea a bit as well.