Handle Missing Data

👨‍💼 One of our Quality Assurance folks discovered an issue. If you go to a user that does not exist, the app crashes. For example, try this one: 😬
We had to ignore some TypeScript errors with // @ts-expect-error which should have tipped us off about this problem... 🦺 Lily the life jacket is not amused.
We need to handle this case. That should be a 404 error. So after trying to get the user from the database, you're going to need to check whether the returned user exists. If they don't, then you should throw a 404 error. Here's an example how you do that:
export async function loader({ params }) {
	const sandwich = await db.sandwich.findFirst({
		where: { id: params.id },

	if (!sandwich) {
		throw new Response('Sandwich not found', { status: 404 })

	return json({ sandwich })
Hmmm... throw a response!? How weird is that? Well, in Remix it's exactly how you solve this problem. It allows you to easily exit code flow and send a response right away. You can even put it into a utility function:
function assertDefined<Value>(
	value: Value | null | undefined,
): asserts value is Value {
	if (value === undefined || value === null) {
		throw new Response('Not found', { status: 404 })
export async function loader({ params }) {
	const sandwich = await db.sandwich.findFirst({
		where: { id: params.id },


	return json({ sandwich })
Remix will handle catching the response for us and send the response we threw along. But it does so in a special way which we'll get to in a future exercise. For now, just handling the error with a proper status code is enough.
So please handle possible missing data in the loaders of the profile, note list, and note routes.

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